Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rose's Top 10 list of shit that is shit

Been ages since I've blogged - that's the reality of my attention span.

However, considering how awesome my life is now (bein iron-i-cool makes me feel like a badass) and the fact that my friend Ruby has been encouraging me to blog more (I suspect to validate her own shameless blogging) I have decided to launch back into the blogging world on a possitive note...with a list of shit that is shit and that i subsequently hate.

1. The Beach...that shit drowns people. Best case scenario you get friggin sand everywhere. And you know that no matter what you do or how you try to wash it off you will still find it in places you otherwise had no knowledge of. Also I watched my freind Matt get swarmed by blue bottle jellyfish...actually that point goes to the Ocean, that shit was hilarious.

Yep....sure do.

2. Fabric Softener Commercials with smug mothers and their designers babies. If there is somehow any correlation between laundry detergent and having an awesome family that reeks of awesome then my divorced parents would have nailed that shit.
Also...why so smug?, you occupy are large percentage of the women existing globally with a working womb. There's no medal for being average.

In fact this goes for all mothers; you love your baby and that's great, but don't expect everybody else to think they're awesome.

3. Waiting in line.

I personally feel nothing is important enough in this world to warrant me waiting in line, sandwiched between people that i normally would cross the road to avoid.

4. Design students.
yahhhhh, this is why.

5. I would say skanks that wander through town wearing what resembles a vaginal belt and what appears to be an over-sized broach and calling in an "outfit" in the middle of winter, but they've allready tasted their comeuppance...their nipples fell of in June.

6. Talking to strangers. Lest the world find out I'm actually a hologram.

7. White people taking back the "N Word". It doesn't work like that...cracker.

8. People that don't believe in Global Warming.

9. Global Warming. I like to know the ice caps are exactly where i left them last, not in my living room.

10. Thinking you're house has been broken into when really you just enjoyed the blissful moment of forgetting how messy it was.

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