Monday, June 21, 2010


just a side note: I have found my purpose in life

become as truely bizzarre as these people and start a family blog

somebody call the photo montage police.

These good folk make my whole life.

Who are all these wierdos that put pictures of their kids on the internet completely unafraid of fritzle-like creepers and why do they have more followers than me goddamn.

Knocked up chick trumps again
Man I have not blogged in forever! what was it that inspired the motivation to suddenly take to the keys and drool all over this blog site is the question I'm sure none of my three followers are thinking but i will answer none the less: it's exam week!

Oh yeah! which for me means the consumption of an unthinkable and honestly repulsive amount of food (so far the tally stands at 500gm of steak, 1 half bottle mayo, a chicken, a jar of stuffed olives and half a bomb shelter sized supply of pickles) and a swimming pool of instant coffee i might add. I don't know what triggers these borderline abusive eating binges i just know that as soon as exams are done ill go back to licking dust of the top of the fridge (on Fridays i get a whole ice cube). But for now i just want someone to stuff a gherkin with pimento and deep fry it.

Pause for gherkin run....not even kidding

But aside from me committing foodicide, what is there to report...well since I've been encased in my tomb of a bedroom writing essays i am happy to say i have kept out of trouble. Of course by the time i can actually go out ill be too fat for my front door.

Perhaps I can take a minute to give a nod to all the things that are currently keeping me imprisoned in my den of procrastination:
perhaps unnecessarily i will mention facebook. the combination of stalking and uninhibited personality binges has never been so sweet. it is truly a soapbox made a solid gold. Of course Texts from last night, which never fails in reassuring me that unless I have been woken up by my mother next to a glitter covered midget stripper from the Dominican republic whose name is cut into my flesh, my life isnt that bad. Lamebook- I dont know why but i love the jersey shore-esque facebook updates they make my day. Look at this fucking hipster - i dont even need to explain how satisfying this site is, if you dont love it you're a dirty hipster. And strangely enough LOLcatz...there is something about cute stuff that i live for...i even named my boyfriends cat cheezburgerz...even im embarrassed for me dw.

and now im back to blog. what to do what to do.

but perhaps it's time to say adios amigos
stay cool calm and collected!